If you've been following me for a while, you'll already know about my ever popular Wedding Florist Recipe Vault. But if you're new here, it's a collection of over 20 floral recipes for many different designs from bouquets to floral arches, and it makes your life as a wedding florist MUCH easier. Especially for those newer ones amongst you.
But it just got an upgrade!

For years now, I've used a tool called Everystem, to keep control of my profits by creating floral recipes for my weddings, and create instructions for all my staff, therefore providing a great quality service to my clients.
Theyve just introduced an amazing recipe saving facility which is an absolute lifesaver. It saves so much time and you don't have to reinvent the wheel for every wedding, you just save any recipe from any event and you can use it again and again on weddings in the future, in just a few clicks!
So how does my recipe vault fit into this?
Well, I'm glad you asked!
Because this new recipe saving feature has been introduced, all the recipes from my vault are now able to be automatically uploaded into your Everystem account (complete with the pdfs!) and you can simply save those and start using it on your weddings. Amazing ey?
Florists who've already bought my recipe vault, have said -
"It has literally halved my wedding flower spend"
"I've always over ordered till I bought this"
It's a really useful tool, especially for newer florists or florists who are overwhelmed when having to quote for a larger design such as hanging displays or floral arches. But plenty of experienced florists often benefit too, when they're wanting to update their skills!
Want to find out more? Click the button below to find out about it over on Everystem